• FPG Amentum and Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale (‘NORD/LB’) enter a commercial cooperation with FPG Amentum providing asset management to NORD/LB and the two parties developing joint industry research. To strengthen the cooperation NORD/LB acquires a minority stake in FPG Amentum.
  • FPG Amentum obtains a JPY 11bn credit facility for financing aircraft acquisitions. The facility is in addition to FPG’s significant credit lines for equity underwriting.
  • The company opens its new Dublin office at 4th Floor, Mespil Court, Mespil Road, Dublin 4.
  • The JOL arranging activity grows further with acquisitions of aircraft from airlines and lessors.
  • FPG Amentum arranges several lease transitions, adds several new airline customer names to the portfolio and further diversifies the funding base with the addition of new lenders. FPG Amentum manages the divestment of more aircraft from the HSH Nordbank portfolio.